Health Care Reform is Not Healthy



Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.

"Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920's. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks."-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)

There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.

Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.

Private Health Insurance Comparison

Purchasing a private health insurance plan is extremely important especially for those who have pre-existing conditions. Private health insurance offers a large number of benefits, but before you choose a plan it is important that you follow the steps towards private health insurance comparison. When you compare the different plans, you will be able to locate the one that is most appropriate for your needs and is also budget-friendly. The cost of private health care in increasing rapidly and having an insurance plan can come handy when you need it.

There are also other types of plans available such as individual insurance plans and corporate plans, but private heath insurance plans have their own benefits. With a private health insurance plan, you don't have to wait in a long cue to get your treatment done. Moreover, you get your treatment when and where you want. Another advantage is that you get treated in a clean environment and a private ward where there will be no medical interns accompanying your doctor to your ward. You also get to choose which health care professional will treat you. There is a lot of flexibility with private medical insurance, but at the same it is also important to find the right one because not all of them are the same.

Private health insurance comparison basically starts with a research. Although there are so many options available, it is important to compare among them so you can find the best deal. When evaluating the different plans, you must know what things are essential given your health conditions and lifestyle. An important thing that needs to be looked at when comparing private health insurance plans is the deductible. Deductible is the amount that you will have to pay to your doctor or health care professional before you can file for a claim. This will be based on your need to visit the doctor. It is important to consider this factor if you pay regular visits to your doctor.

Importance of Health Insurance Leads

Good return on investment, high contact ratios, innovative systems and tools, and health insurance leads with real interest for insurance, can be mere figments of your imagination when you do not have high quality prospects. Therefore, before you subscribe to online health insurance sales leads, you should do a background check on the integrity of the business you are planning to collaborate with. Additionally, you need to inquire how many times they sell their non-exclusive health leads, as well as where and how they generate these leads. Your objective is to differentiate superior leads from the ones that are worthless.

Health insurance leads are those who desire to be healthy. These are individuals, families, or companies who are looking for medical protection. Additionally, people who already have health insurance that was provided by their company or the government may need additional protection and may be viewed as health insurance prospects.

Consider Catastrophic Health Insurance Plans

Americans are faced with a wide range of options when it comes to choosing a health insurance policy with each plan designed to meet the needs of families and individuals based on income and the amount of coverage required. However, even the most basic coverage can be out of reach for some families, particularly if they are out of work.

The economy today has resulted in thousands of people either cancelling their policy out of necessity, which is risky and could prove to be much more expensive in the long run, or reducing the premium to the absolute minimum. For anyone finding themselves in this situation a catastrophic insurance policy could be the answer, whilst paying for routine medical care might seem unnecessary it is minimal in comparison to the expense a serious accident or illness can entail. Here are a few of the benefits of having such a plan to protect you and your family.

Catastrophic health insurance plans are perfect if you want to keep your insurance premium as low as possible but require coverage for any treatment needed when it comes to significant medical issues.

The Evolution of Health Insurance

Health insurance for individuals was first developed in the early part of the 20th Century. Hospitals began offering patients a pre-paid service in the 1920's and it meant patients could pay upfront for any future medical costs or hospital stays. By the 1930's the Blue Cross organization was formed. The Blue Cross is now made up of 39 authorities who are thought to provide insurance plans to over 100 million American citizens.

During its initial stages health providers involved with the Blue Cross were only able to offer a service by which a small premium was paid yearly for hospital care or a fixed amount for specific diseases. Now it has evolved into a major service provider and most companies can offer individual insurance plans which cover emergency procedures, preventative medicines and also the routine cost of the majority of prescription drugs. Although not all companies will cover all services, comprehensive coverage should cover the majority of all costs associated with medical care.

Individual insurance is the primary source of coverage for most American citizens and nearly 60 percent of the population have it in some form or another. Public programs make up the remaining, which is primarily for low-income families and senior citizens who meet the criteria.